Mortgage Loan Process
How to get Started
If you have not found your new home, or are just beginning to think about a new home, then I suggest you become a “Prequalified Verbal” or “Prequalified w/Review” home-shopper. This puts you in a much better bargaining position with the seller of your potential new home.
Mortgage Prequalification Letter (Verbal)
I will discuss your financial situation and options over the phone. Based on this conversation, I can tell if you are looking in the right price range and what your limits might be. I can also issue a pre-qualification letter. A more comprehensive pre-qualification letter that agents and sellers take more seriously is recommended below.
Mortgage conditional Pre-approval Letter (Reviewed)
I will complete for you or with your help, a loan application, along with a list of supporting documents, and authorization to pull your credit report. Once I receive those items, I will review them (usually within 24hrs) and then will be in the position to issue a Conditional Pre-Approval Letter for you to give along with your offer. This type of Letter is the most complete and carries the most weight. The seller will be advised to take this type of offer more seriously vs. a pre-qualification letter since it does not state that any documentation had been reviewed.
Mortgage Full Application
This is a standard Loan Application that I will complete for you and email to you with all the required disclosures for you to e-sign. I will then receive back the e-signed documents and then have my processor start the processing your loan. At any time if need be, we can conference and go through the application form to help in explaining any questions you might have.
Understanding the Loan Application Process
Buying a home may be the most exciting, confusing and stressful financial transaction you ever undertake. Even if you have done it several times you can still find the process complicated and intimidating, particularly when it comes to getting a mortgage loan. Countless loan documents, unfamiliar terminology and uncertainty serve to temper the joy of buying a new home. As soon as the sales contract is signed, obtaining the financing for the purchase becomes paramount for all but a very few buyers. If you understand the steps required to qualify for a mortgage loan, then much of the stress can be avoided. The following explanation of the loan application process is intended to help you through the complexities of obtaining a mortgage loan.
The typical Loan Application Interview by most lenders
Once you have selected a loan officer, whose job is to begin the collection of information the lender needs to approve the loan. They will explain the types of mortgage loans available to you, the interest rates and fees for each type and the qualification requirements. They will have you complete or assist you in completing a loan application.
By this time you should have a good idea of the general interest rates and fees being charged in the area. The total cost of a mortgage loan consists of the interest rate on the loan, origination fees, if there is any discount points, and other miscellaneous charges. One point is equal to one percent of the amount of the loan and is usually collected at the time of the loan closing or settlement date. The interest rate affects the amount of the monthly payment, while points affect the amount of cash you must have at closing.
Most lenders will offer a range of interest rate/point combinations to meet the borrower needs. In general, the higher the interest rate, the lower the points or no points. For example, if the current market provides for an 2.75 percent interest rate with 1 points, a 3.0 percent rate may be offered at no points or with even credit towards the rest of your closing costs. If you are a first-time home buyer, the larger monthly payments on the 3.0 percent loan may be easier to handle than the 1 points that will require additional cash at settlement. If you are a corporate transferee, however, your company’s relocation policy may pay all or part of origination costs and the lower rate will have more appeal. The loan officer is prepared to explain all of your options to you.
When discussing the terms of the loan, make sure you understand how and when the rate and fees on the loan are going to be set. Most lenders will quote a rate and fee at the time the application is taken and then will guarantee, or “lock” the rate quote for a specified length of time. A rate lock protects you from rising interest rates while the loan is being processed, but it also typically commits you to close the loan at the rate and the fee even if rates decline prior to closing. Lock periods may run from 15 to 60 days, with longer periods available in some cases at an additional fee. The lock period must be long enough to get you through the estimated closing date. A 30-day lock affords you no protection if closing is at least 60 days away.
You may have the option to let the rate “float,” getting the final rate and fees set nearer the settlement date. If you believe rates are declining and are willing to run the risk that interest rates could rise during the processing of your loan, you may select this alternative. Before you take a floating rate, make sure that the rise in interest rates will not create a problem for you because you have insufficient income to cover the higher mortgage payments. In either case, make sure you understand exactly the terms of the lock-in agreement.
Completing The Loan Application Form
The loan application form asks for information on the property you are buying, terms of the purchase contract and the employment and financial history of all loan applicants, including your spouse and/or other co-borrowers. The lender will verify or not to make the loan, so it is very important to make sure that it is complete and accurate.
You can complete the loan application process much more easily and accurately if you prepare for it ahead of time. A great deal of detail will be asked about your personal finances, including bank account numbers and balances, current loan amounts and payments, and credit card account numbers. You will want to be thorough and precise in your answers, so it will be to your benefit to assemble this kind of information before the meeting with the loan officer. The following is a summary of the major kinds of information required on the loan application, the documents that may be needed and the questions that you should be prepared to answer.
Details of Purchase Contract and the Property
Because the property is security for the loan, the lender will most likely require an appraisal of the property. The lender will have to order it since there are specific requirements in doing so. They will need to have the following information available:
A complete copy of the sales contract, including any addendum’s, signed by all parties, showing the full names of the sellers and buyers as they will appear on the new deed, the amount of earnest money deposit and who is responsible for closing costs, origination fees, etc. If the house is to be built, or is still under construction, a set of plans and specifications. The complete mailing address of the property, its age and its full legal description. Name, address and telephone number of the real estate agent and/or the seller of the property who will assist the appraiser in obtaining access to the property. All of this information should be in the purchase contract. If not, consult the Realtor or the seller.
Personal Information
The loan officer will want the social security numbers of you and your spouse (or other co-borrowers), age, number of years of schooling, your marital status, number and ages of dependents and your current address and telephone numbers. If you have lived at your current address less than 2 years, be prepared to furnish former addresses for up to two years. You will also be asked to detail your current housing expenses, including rent or mortgage payments, real estate taxes and insurance (your mortgage payment may include tax and insurance funds). You will need the name and address of your landlord(s) or mortgage lender(s) for the past two years.
Employment History and Sources of Income
Your ability to make the regular payments on the mortgage and to afford the costs associated with owning a home are primary considerations is the lender’s loan approval process and should be your primary concern. Required information includes:
At least two years employment history with employer’s name and address, your job title or position, length of time on the job, salary, bonuses, commissions and average overtime pay.
One month’s recent paycheck stubs and Federal W-2 forms for anywhere from one to two years (some lenders may require full tax returns).
Records of dividends and interest received from investments.
If you are self-employed, full tax returns for 2 years, plus a profit and loss statement for the current year to date might be required. If you own a corporation, then those tax returns and K-1’s as well.
A written explanation if there are gaps in your employment record, because of circumstances such as illness or layoffs, or for any other reason.
The loan officer might have you sign a Verification of Employment (VOE) form. This will be sent to your employer to verify your employment and earnings. One will be sent to previous employers if you have been on the job less than two years. Many lenders now use a general authorization form which allows them to verify employment and other financial information on the application.
If you are relying on income from other sources, such as rental property, social security or disability payments, child support, etc., you must provide adequate proof of the source. Appropriate documents could include canceled checks, copies of leases, certification of benefits, tax returns, divorce decrees and similar evidence.
Personal Assets
A detailed listing of your personal assets is required on the loan application form. You will need to have the following information available to complete the form:
All bank accounts to include.. checking, savings, CD, brokerage, retirement accounts such as IRA, Roth, 401k along with the name(s) on the accounts, account numbers and current account balances.
Recent bank statements for at least two and possibly up to three months, depending on the type of loan program. Face amount and cash value of life insurance policies in force.
Address and market value of all real estate owned along with the amount of rents collected, the mortgage on the property and the monthly mortgage payments (a profit and loss statement will be required for investment properties).
Personal Indebtedness
You will be asked to itemize all of your current bills, loans and other debts, including current balances and monthly payments. Debts include automobile loans, credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard and other retail store accounts, finance company, bank and credit union loans and existing mortgages, including home equity loans. You should be able to give the account or loan number, the monthly payment, the number of payments remaining and the outstanding balance.
The information you provide on the loan application will later be verified by a credit report ordered by the lender. Like employment and deposit information, differences between your figures and those on the credit report will raise questions and may delay the approval of your loan. It is to your advantage to take time to get your data right prior to filling out the loan application.
If you have had credit problems, you should inform the lender. Lenders recognize that unemployment, illness, marital problems or other financial difficulties can temporarily impair your credit rating. Provide a written explanation of the circumstances regarding the problem to be included with the loan application. The lender must consider such a written explanation as part of the underwriting analysis. If the problem has been corrected and your payments have been made on time for a year or more, your credit will probably be judged as satisfactory. Chronic late payments, judgments or loan defaults, however, severely damage your credit standing and may prevent you from obtaining the financing you need to complete the purchase.
If you have been through bankruptcy or foreclosure proceedings within the past seven years, be prepared to give full details and copies of applicable documents regarding them. Underwriting guidelines have gotten more stringent as of late when it comes to bankruptcy and foreclosures.
You will also be asked to explain the details if you are obligated to pay alimony, child support or separate maintenance. Such obligations are treated like debt payments by most lenders and will be part of the underwriting analysis.
Additional Information
You will be asked to sign a section of the loan application form which contains your certification that the information you have provided is correct to the best of your knowledge; your promise to advise the lender of any material changes in the information on; and your consent to (1) verification of the application data, (2) submission of account history to credit reporting agencies, and (3) transfer of the loan or loan servicing to successors to the original lender.
The last part of the application form requests information on the race and gender of the applicants. The Federal Government uses this data to monitor lenders’ compliance with fair housing and equal credit opportunity laws. Providing this information is strictly voluntary on your part and has no effect on your loan application. The lender, however, is required by federal law to request the information.
Because of the particular circumstances surrounding a loan application, the lender may require additional information or documentation regarding you or the property after the application has been submitted for approval. Loan officers make every effort to collect all data at the outset, but cannot foresee every eventuality. Requests for additional information are not necessarily bad omens and your primary concern should be in responding promptly with the information.
Based on the information collected in taking the application, the loan officer may be able to pre-qualify you for the loan requested, but cannot approve the loan. That is done by the lender’s underwriters after all documents and information have been received and verified.
After The Loan Application – What Next?
After the loan application has been completed, it will be turned over to the lender’s loan processing department and then to the underwriter, where the decision to approve or reject the loan will be made. Loan processors send out the Verifications of Employment and Deposit and order the property appraisal and other documents. The time it takes to receive these documents affects the length of time required for approval of the loan. If you are transferring from out of the local community, it may take longer to receive the credit and employment information. Processing times vary from one lender to another, but the loan officer should be able to give an idea of the processing time for your application.
Within three business days after completing the application, the lender must provide you with a Loan Estimate (LE) which used to be called Good Faith Estimate of the anticipated closing costs. It will show costs associated with the loan settlement, such as origination fees, mortgage insurance, title insurance, escrow reserves and hazard insurance, etc.. The LE also now incorporates the old Truth-in-lending disclosure which among other things, shows the estimated monthly payment. The total cost of all finance charges on your loan is also shown, stated as an Annual Percentage Rate (APR). The APR represents the dollar amount of finance charges you pay either up front or over the life of the loan, converted to an annual interest rate. Since the APR includes origination fees and other charges as well as interest on the mortgage loan, the APR is usually higher than the interest rate on the loan. Also on the LE is Total Interest Percentage or (TIP), the total amount of interest that you will pay over the loan term as a percentage of your loan amount.
Once approval has been received, you are assured the financing you need to complete the purchase of your home and you need to turn your attention to completing the details required for settlement. You will be issued a Closing Disclosure (CD) at least three business days prior to closing. The CD will resemble a lot like the Loan Estimate (LE) that you had received within three days of loan application. The lenders fees on the CD should in most cases be equal to or less than the last LE that you had signed. You will be required to bring a cashier’s check payable to the title company you are closing at or can wire funds payable to the title company in the amount that the CD states for closing. The CD will also now incorporate the final APR rate that used to be disclosed by a Truth-in-lending.
Reducing The Anxiety of Waiting
For many home buyers, the period of time between the submission of the loan application and approval is one of uncertainty and concern. Requests for additional information, unexpected delays and lack of communication all serve to increase the tension. There are a number of things that both you and the lender can do to reduce the stress.
Keep in mind that the lender wants to make the loan. Loan underwriters are looking for ways to approve loans, not reject them. If you have come to the interview with the loan officer fully prepared and have provided good documentation, you have done a great deal to assure prompt processing of your application and approval of your loan.
You and the lender need to make sure that lines of communication are kept open. Your contact person may be the loan officer, but often it might be someone in the lender’s loan processing department who can tell you the status of your application. Remember, however, that it may take several weeks to process the application and frequent inquiries from you prior to that time will not speed things up.
You should be accessible if the lender needs additional information or documents during processing. If you are from out of town, use your real estate agent as a contact if necessary. Quick response to lender requests helps keep the process on schedule. In order to protect both you and the lender, mortgage loans require much more paperwork and legal documentation than an automobile or other installment loan, and lenders do not ask for more than is absolutely necessary.
Obtaining a mortgage loan need not be an ordeal that dampens the thrill of acquiring a new home. If you understand the lending process and are prepared to do your part, it simply becomes a key step in owning a home.
Application Checklist
With new technology and programs being rolled out every day, the amount of documentation required is being reduced – becoming more and more credit-driven. After we have had a chance to talk, I will be in a better position to tell you exactly what documentation will be needed, based on your specific situation. This will probably save you considerable time and effort that would be required to gather the documentation based on the standard guidelines, as discussed above.
Appraisal and credit Fee
The appraisal will be ordered via your credit card as per Federal law (It ranges from $600 to $1200 depending on price of home). A credit report will also be ordered via your credit card as well (Ranging from $85 to $200 depending on the amount of borrowers on the loan).
Tips in Shopping
A loan officer who is referred to you will have more incentive to take good care of you or answer to the person who referred you. Lack of care would mean no more referrals.
When checking rates with several different companies, be certain that your comparisons are comparable – the rates should have the same effective date, any required fees should be disclosed, etc.
“Today’s Rate” is useful only if you are closing today(!). If you intend to wait until after application to lock a rate, keep that information to yourself. Otherwise, you may be quoted an unrealistically low rate to get your business.
Slow response time – If you don’t receive good service when a company is trying to get your loan business, how good will the service be once they have it?
Rate predications – Beware of any mortgage company with a great rate that advises you to float the rate (not lock) because they say rates are coming down. Their crystal ball is no better than mine or yours.
Send a Message or Schedule Your Free Consultation
I offer free consultations to my clients. Prior to the home search, let me evaluate current and long term needs in order to maximize your buying power.
825 Town & Country Lane
Suite 1200 #17
Houston | Texas | 77024
Cell: (713)530-6452
Fax: (713)355-9999

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